Meaning of 甘 in Japanese
Sentences containing 甘
I was almost deceived by a certain trader's sweet words into making a huge loss.
このメルマガは、昨今の語学ごがく 産業界さんぎょうかい の甘言かんげん に躍らされることなく、文法解釈ぶんぽうかいしゃく という古典的こてんてき 学習がくしゅう 法ほう こそ王道おうどう と信じて疑わない方かた のためのメルマガです。
This e-zine is for those who, unswayed by the cajolery of the modern language industry, firmly trust that the traditional learning method of grammatical analysis is the way to go.
In spoiling her child, Stella made a rod for her own back in the years that were to follow.
A brewery we finance has made a new sweet sake and brought some to us asking us to try it.
So I thought my date, er rather, offline-meeting was going to be just me and her but things aren't that easy.
Pains of love be sweeter far / Than all other pleasures are.