Meaning of しき in Japanese

  1. Words
  2. Sentences

Definition of しき

  1. (n) four seasons

    Spring is my favourite of the four seasons.

  1. (n) morale (of troops, team, etc.); esprit de corps

    It would demoralize the opposing team to give it the razz from the spectators' side.

  1. (n, vs, adj-no) command; direction
  1. (n) time of death

    Her time is drawing near.


式 Kanji Details

  1. (n, n-suf) equation; formula; expression

    The result of this experiment is obscured by the extra variables added in the formula.

  2. ceremony

    The company president's welcome was so long that we were squeezed for time in the second half of the ceremony.

  3. style

    An accident prohibited his attending the ceremony.

  4. enforcement regulations (of the ritsuryo) →Related words: 律令
  1. (n) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)

    Have you ever seen a cuckoo?

  1. (n) beginning period; initial term
  1. (n) paper articles; containers, etc. made of paper
  1. (n) private records or documents
  1. (n) determination; esprit de corps

識 Kanji Details

  1. (n) (Buddh) acquaintanceship
  2. vijnana (consciousness)
  3. (after a signature) written by...

鋪 Kanji Details

  1. (n) mine tunnel; mine shaft; mineshaft

職 Kanji Details

  1. (n) agency (government department between a ministry and a bureau under the ritsuryo system) →Related words: 律令制

色 Kanji Details

  1. (n) (Buddh) rupa (form) →Related words: 五蘊
  2. visible objects (i.e. color and form)
いき(iki) · しき(shiki) · しきみ(shikimi)

閾 Kanji Details

  1. (n, pref) threshold; liminal threshold between the exterior and the interior of a house →Related words: 敷居
  1. (n) Shiji; Shih-chi; The Historical Records (ancient Chinese historical record)
しき(shiki) 敷き ·

敷 Kanji Details

  1. (n-suf, n-pref, n) spreading; laying out; covering
  2. (n) security deposit →Related words: 敷金
  3. Japanese mattress →Related words: 敷き布団
  1. (n) weather of the four seasons (warmth of spring, heat of summer, cool of autumn, and cold of winter)

Words related to しき

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