Meaning of しか in Japanese

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  2. Sentences

Definition of しか

しか(shika) · しきゃ(shikya) · しっきゃ(shikkya)
  1. (prt) only; nothing but
  1. (n) historian
  1. (n) market price; current price

    Woody Panelの市価が80$だということは知っています。
    We understand that the Woody Panel retails for $80.

  1. (n) the teacher's home
  1. (n) furlough; leave of absence
  1. (n) dentistry
しか(shika) · かせぎ(kasegi) · (ka) · ろく(roku) 鹿

鹿 Kanji Details

  1. (n) deer (esp. the sika deer, Cervus nippon)
しいか(shiika) · しか(shika) 詩歌

詩歌 Kanji Details

  1. (n, adj-no) Japanese (and Chinese) poetry

    I must learn this poem by heart.

  1. (n) price of paper
  1. (n) private house; one's own house
  1. (n) price of silk thread
  1. (n) blemish; flaw; defect

確 Kanji Details

  1. (adv-to) certainly (for certain) (used in negative sense)
しか(shika) ·

然爾 Kanji Details

  1. (int) like that; as such
  2. yeah; uh-huh
  1. (n) (Buddh) head monk in charge of the administrative section of a zendo (Zen) →Related words: 禅堂
  1. (n, vs) poetization
  1. (n) poet

Words related to しか

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