Meaning of 遺伝 in Japanese
Definition of 遺伝
Sentences containing 遺伝
In ethical terms, a great many people are opposed to gene therapy.
All of these abilities are passed on to us by genetic transmission; we receive them by way of the genes that we inherit from our parents.
A great many people were opposed to gene therapy in terms of ethics.
しかし、言語の場合ばあい は、私達が遺伝いでん 的にてき 受け継ぐうけつぐ のは、話したり、理解りかい したりする する能力のうりょく だけである。私達が話すはなす 特定とくてい の1つないし複数の言語は、遺伝いでん ではなく、文化的な伝達でんたつ によって私達に伝えられるのである。
In the case of language, however, it is only the ability to talk and understand that we inherit genetically; the particular language or languages that we speak are passed on to us not by genetic transmission but by cultural transmission.