Meaning of 田 in Japanese
Definition of 田
- (n) rice field
Words related to 田
- (n) saltpan; field for drying salt
- (n) rice field in a low place
- (n) worn-out rice land
- (n) seeking one's own interests; straining (the interpretation or argument) to suit one's own interests; drawing water for one's own field
- (n) harvested rice field
- (n) dry paddy field
- (n) mulberry plantation
- (n) Akita prefecture (Tohoku area)
- (n) high rice field; very fertile rice field
- (n) plait; braid

Sentences containing 田
"Asami was bawling that you had kissed Sanada so" "I didn't bawl!"
"You know a kid called Megumi Noda, right?" "Noda?" "Makes weird sounds like 'Hagya', 'Fugi'"