Meaning of 数学 in Japanese
Definition of 数学
(n) mathematics; arithmetic
Mathematics is her weak point.
Sentences containing 数学
The boy was good at mathematics so everybody considered him a genius.
Those individual members of the class do not want to be held back by others not so good at math.
The best math students are there too, and the competition is strong.
しかし今日では、計算機けいさんき は学校がっこう の試験しけん では自由にじゆうに 使うつかう ことが出来るできる しする 、数学すうがく の試験しけん の時とき に聞こえるきこえる 音といえば、子供たちこどもたち が計算機けいさんき を叩く音しかしないする 、という学校がっこう も多いおおい 。
Nowadays, however, calculators can be used freely in school examinations, and already in many schools the only sound to be heard during a math exam is the sound of children tapping on their calculators.