Meaning of 刈 in Japanese
Definition of 刈
- (n) cut; clip; shear; reap; trim; prune
Sentences containing 刈
その間あいだ にトニーは60代だい 半ばなかば になっていたが、まだよく仕事しごと ができた。しかし新品しんぴん のトラック、新しいあたらしい 芝刈り機しばかりき 、たくさんの装備そうび を手に入れ3人の手伝いてつだい を抱えていた。
By then Tony was in his middle sixties and still able to work hard, but he had a brand-new truck now, a new mower, a lot of other equipment and three people helping him.
The grass was left long and weedy in the slate walk, and very often he wasn't cutting the grass on the other side of the hedge by the road at all.