Meaning of いね in Japanese
Definition of いね
(n) rice-plant
Rice is grown in rainy regions.
Words related to いね
- (n) general idea
- (n) rice reaping; rice harvesting
(n) fiscal year
The company's financial year runs from April until March of the following year.
- (n) general idea; concept; notion
- (n) basic overview; basic concept
- (n) welfare pension
- (n) blackwater fever
- (n) adult age; majority
Sentences containing いね
"It's still shallow, eh. My feet still touch the bottom." "It's quite a shallow beach. Yotsuba, you can still touch the bottom can't you?"
"Morning. You're early today." "You too. I thought you'd still be dead to the world."
"Well, it's hot again today, isn't it?" "That's one more time you've started with a bland topic."
"Can you smell something burning?" "Oh, I went and burnt the toast."
"Any good news in today's paper?" "No, nothing in particular."