Meaning of V in Japanese
Words related to V
- (n) audio-visual →Related words: オーディオビジュアル
- adult video; porn video; pornographic video →Related words: アダルトビデオ
- (n) videotape recorder; VTR →Related words: ビデオテープレコーダー
- (n) community antenna television; CATV
- (n) DVD containing a slideshow of still images (usually of women)
- (n) Digital Versatile Disc video; DVD video
- (n) vancomycin-resistant enterococcus; VRE →Related words: バンコマイシン耐性腸球菌
(n) Visa (credit) card
Do you accept Visa card?
- (n) V-sign; hand gesture similar to the peace sign, representing victory or happiness
- (n) digital versatile disc; DVD

Sentences containing V
If there is a lot of traffic in the streets, we say in English that the traffic is heavy.
Still others simply travel around America in recreational vehicles, seeing parts of the country they had been too busy to see before.