Meaning of 開発 in Japanese
Words related to 開発
- (n) infrastructure development
- (n) Director General of Okinawa Development Agency
(n) developing country; emerging nation
Japan guaranteed a 2 billion yen aid package to developing countries.
(n) nuclear development
Access to a suspected underground nuclear facility.
(n) R and D; research and development
Corporations are downsizing and reducing the amount of profits they put back into R&D.
- (n) Career Development Dept
- (n) undeveloped country; third world country
- (n) Director General of Hokkaido Development Agency
- (n) undeveloped (countries); backward; unentered
(n) space development
Japan will soon start to engage in the exploration of the universe.
- (n) National Space Development Agency; NASDA

Sentences containing 開発
"Prospects for repair?" "Prof. Shubaishen, the leader of the system development team, is presently unwell so we think it will take a while longer ..."
The success of newly-developed applications and government-forced deregulation may hold the key to achieving this economic implementation.
The three organizations are the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Our new product development efforts must be done from the end user's viewpoint.