Meaning of 持 in Japanese
Words related to 持
- (exp) feelings from this point on
- (n) entertainment; hospitality
- (n) maintenance costs
- (n) wooden carrying box
- (n) person with a family; family man
- (n) fire-holding qualities; length of time a fire burns
(n) at company's expense
"May I have one as well?" "Yes, certainly. Today's on the company after all."
- (n) moneyed man
Sentences containing 持
He wasn't just humouring me. Those were the eyes of someone who really understood my feelings and sympathised.
People who don't have a computer can't make full use of this MP3 player function.
All things considered, and it's just my opinion but, I think that the value of a present changes depending on how much thought is put into it.
人ひと が肉体にくたい を持ち、地上ちじょう に生まれたからといって、地上ちじょう のことを全てすべて 理解りかい するわけではないのと同様にどうように 、死んだからといって霊的れいてき 世界せかい を全てすべて 理解りかい しているする わけでもないのです。
Just because people are corporeal born to this world doesn't mean that they understand everything about it, similarly just because somebody's died doesn't mean that they understand everything about the incorporeal world.
A qilin with a king too has no limit on its lifespan, but this illness alone admits of no remedy.