Meaning of 患 in Japanese
Sentences containing 患
Good doctors explain things to patients in easily understandable ways, using anatomical models and such.
Many people suffer from heart disease in Japan, but in Libya those having heart attacks have also increased a lot recently.
Taking care of the excretory needs of a patient you've just met is a very demanding job.
病院びょういん に長期ちょうき 入院にゅういん する患者かんじゃ 向けむけ の療養病床りょうようびょうしょう が七月しちがつ 以降いこう 激減げきげん しする 、「介護かいご ・医療いりょう 難民なんみん 」が大量たいりょう 発生はっせい する事態じたい が危ぐされています。
Chronic care beds for patients long stay patients will be drastically cut from July, a state where many people will be cut off from nursing and treatment is feared.