Meaning of 弊 in Japanese
Definition of 弊
- (n) bad habit; harm
Words related to 弊
(n) vice; abuse; evil
We must investigate social abuses.
(n) faulty expression
That's not a proper thing to say.
- (n) all evils
- (n) worn-out clothes; shabby clothes
(n) adverse effect; harmful effect; harmful result; malady; negative effect; harmful influence; evil practice; evil practise
Smoking has an ill effect upon the health.
(n) our firm (company)
Our engineers compared this information with similar products being sold in Japan and concluded that they might compete very well.
- (n) resulting evil; holdover
- (n) evil influence; ill effect
Sentences containing 弊
Allow us to describe our products and our business operations.
弊社へいしゃ のエンジニアが日本国内にほんこくない で販売はんばい されている同様の製品せいひん と仕様しよう を比較ひかく したする 結果けっか 、非常にひじょうに 競合きょうごう 力りょく があると判断はんだん いたしました。
Our engineers compared this information with similar products being sold in Japan and concluded that they might compete very well.
I hope this letter interests you and look forward to your reply.
Our company has a well organized system of 200 sales offices, located all over Japan.