Meaning of 奈 in Japanese
Words related to 奈
(n) Canada
Do they speak French in Canada?
- (n) Panama
- (n) Kanagawa prefecture (Kantou area)
(n) hell; hades; eternity; theatre basement; theater basement
I feel there is just no way out.
- (n) Nara prefecture (Kinki area)
- (n) vegetables pickled in sake lees
- (n) loop (of thread, string, etc.)
- (n) silver-stripe round herring (Spratelloides gracilis)

Sentences containing 奈
As you can also tell from these beautiful, far from Japanese, looks, Yuna is not pure-blood Japanese. She's a quarter-blood with a westerner as grandmother.
Thanks to Haruna's "weather mode" Kaori's fervour was greatly dampened.