Meaning of 保障 in Japanese
Definition of 保障
Words related to 保障
- (n) US-Japan Security Treaty
- (n) US-Japan Security Treaty
(adj-no) guaranteed; certified; warranty included
They guarantee this clock for a year.
- (n) protective occupation (of a country)
- (n) ANZUS Security Pact
- (n) collective security
- (n) medical security
- (n) Security Council of Japan
- (n) security of (tariff) concessions
Sentences containing 保障
国土安全保障省の主要業務しゅようぎょうむ は、米国べいこく 内ない のテロ攻撃テロこうげき を未然みぜん に防ぎ、万一、発生はっせい したする 場合ばあい は、被害ひがい を最小限さいしょうげん に食い止め、速やかな復旧を実施じっし することにある。
The Department of Homeland Security's primary function is the prevention of terrorist attacks occurring within America and, in the extreme case of an attack happening, holding losses to the smallest possible level and swiftly carrying out restoration.
退職たいしょく を選択せんたく する人々は、62歳という若さで退職たいしょく を選べるのである。もっとも、その年齢ねんれい で社会保障しゃかいほしょう 年金ねんきん を受け取り始めるはじめる と、支払金額きんがく が20%削減さくげん されてしまうことになるだろうが。
Those who choose to retire can do so as early as sixty-two, although starting to draw their Social Security pension at that age would mean that the payments are reduced by 20 percent.
What will become of our close relations if the bilateral security treaty expires?
Germany adopted a social security system in the 1880's.