Meaning of 交通 in Japanese
Definition of 交通
Words related to 交通
- (n) one-way traffic
(n) traffic safety; driving safety; road safety
You have just won a prize of $5000 in a California state safety competition for proper use of your seatbelt. - "drive safely" message
(n) traffic violation
The local police are very strict about traffic violations.
- (n) transportation business
(n) transportation facilities
What transportation will we take?
(n) traffic rules
We should obey the traffic rules.
- (n) (Japan) Travel Bureau
(n) traffic accident
He met with a traffic accident.
- (n) blockage; quarantine
- (n) traffic officer
(n) traffic signal
Go down this road as far as the traffic light, and turn left.
Sentences containing 交通
Kouji was lucky; his traffic accident left only a minor scratch on the side of his car.
If my boy had not been killed in the traffic accident, he would be a college student now.
You have just won a prize of $5000 in a California state safety competition for proper use of your seatbelt.