Meaning of じぎょう in Japanese

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ji ぎょ gyo u

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Definition of じぎょう

じぎょう(jigyou) · ことわざ(kotowaza) 事業

事業 Kanji Details

  1. (n) project; enterprise; business; industry; operations

    His business is growing rapidly.

  2. act; deed; conduct →Related words: 仕業
ちけい(chikei) · じぎょう(jigyou) 地形

地形 Kanji Details

  1. (n) terrain; geographical features; topography

    Boston Dynamicsのロボット「RHex」は、いろんな地形を走れるすごいやつです。
    Boston Dynamic's robot, RHex, is an amazing piece of work that can run over various terrains.

Words related to じぎょう

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