Meaning of いせき in Japanese

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いせ ise ki

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Definition of いせき

  1. (n) glorious achievements
  1. (n, vs) changing household registry; transfer (e.g. of one's name in the register)
  2. (sports) transferring to a different team
  1. (n) historic ruins (remains, relics)

    How many new sites were uncovered?

  1. (n) register of physicians
  1. (n) remaining works; results of a man's labor (labour)
せき(seki) · いせき(iseki) · (i) ·井堰

堰井 Kanji Details

  1. (n) dam; weir; barrier; sluice
  1. (n) gastrolith

Words related to いせき

Sentences containing いせき

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