Meaning of OS in Japanese
Definition of OS
Sentences containing OS
Even before Reagan and the Supreme Court stifled it, OSHA was a farce.
全角文字ぜんかくもじ を含むファイル名ファイルめい の場合ばあい 、一部いちぶ のOSオーエス では文字化けもじばけ が生じるしょうじる ことがありますので、ダウンロードの際さい に適宜てきぎ ファイル名ファイルめい を変更へんこう してする ください。
On some OS's you get gibberish for filenames with full-width characters so when downloading please change to a suitable filename.
Word processors for use with Japanese include Microsoft Word and JustSystem's Ichitaro.
With Windows OS systems 'administrator account' corresponds to 'root'.
On Jul 18th Mark/Space released an updated version of Missing Sync for Windows Mobile for the Mac OS X.
Although it's "Mac OS X", that doesn't mean that the Mac OS code itself has been upgraded to a new version.