Meaning of 同体 in Japanese
Definition of 同体
- (n) as one flesh or body; simultaneously
Words related to 同体
- (n) being one in body and soul; of one flesh; two hearts beating as one
(n) European Community; EC
The EC's Twelve are working out a compromise on farm-price.
(n) cooperative body; cooperative system; collective; community
Note that the impetus for change has undergone a series of transformations in this community.
- (adv) as one; together
- (n) village community
- (n) Commonwealth of Independent States; CIS
- (n) European Economic Community; EEC
- (n) European Atomic Community; Euratom
- (n) educational-industrial complex
- (n) sense of community
Sentences containing 同体
Man lives in a community, and has to conform to a social pattern.
Man lives in communities such as cities and countries.
The EC's Twelve are working out a compromise on farm-price.
Note that the impetus for change has undergone a series of transformations in this community.
イスラム系けい 共和国きょうわこく が独立どくりつ 国家こっか 共同体きょうどうたい に参加さんか しないする 場合ばあい 、それらの国々くにぐに は独自の勢力せいりょく を形成けいせい しする 、一触即発いっしょくそくはつ の民族的みんぞくてき 、宗教しゅうきょう 的なてき 亀裂きれつ を生じかねない、とソ連ソれん 、西側にしがわ の消息筋しょうそくすじ は警告けいこく していますする 。
Soviet and Western observers have warned that if the Muslim republics do not join the commonwealth, they may from a separate group, setting up a volatile ethnic and religious split.