Meaning of しょうち in Japanese

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しょ sho うち uchi

  1. Words

Definition of しょうち

  1. (n, vs) calling together
  1. (n, vs) acknowledgment; acknowledgement; awareness
  2. consent; acceptance; assent; admitting; compliance; agreement

    All right. I'll accept your offer.

  1. (n, vs) invitation
ぬまち(numachi) · しょうち(shouchi) 沼地

沼地 Kanji Details

  1. (n, adj-no) marshland; wetland; swampland

    Swampy land is no use for building purposes.

  1. (n) beauty spot; scenic spot
  1. (n) superficial knowledge
  1. (n) shallow wisdom

Words related to しょうち

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