Search Kanji for 鎌形赤血球貧症
shape; form; style
· ギョウ
· -がた
· かたち
· なり
Popularity rank: 418 Pinyin: xíng
Korean: hyeong
Hán-Việt: hình
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-3
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-3
Kanji Strokes Diagram
ball; sphere
Popularity rank: 302 Pinyin: qiú
Korean: gu
Hán-Việt: cầu
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-7
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-7
Kanji Strokes Diagram
symptoms; illness
Popularity rank: 1111 Pinyin: zhèng, zhēng
Korean: jeung
Hán-Việt: chứng
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-5-5
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-5-5
Example Words
アルコール依存症[arukooruizonshou] alcohol dependency
ストックホルム症候群[sutokkuhorumushoukougun] Stockholm syndrome
ランブル鞭毛虫症[ranburubenmouchuushou] giardiasis
レジオネラ症[rejionerashou] Legionnaire's disease
悪症[akushou] malignant or virulent disease
ストックホルム症候群[sutokkuhorumushoukougun] Stockholm syndrome
ランブル鞭毛虫症[ranburubenmouchuushou] giardiasis
レジオネラ症[rejionerashou] Legionnaire's disease
悪症[akushou] malignant or virulent disease
Kanji Strokes Diagram
Popularity rank: 832 Pinyin: xiě, xuè
Korean: hyeol
Hán-Việt: huyết
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-6-2
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-6-2
Kanji Strokes Diagram
poverty; poor
· ビン
Popularity rank: 1211 Pinyin: pín
Korean: bin
Hán-Việt: bần
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-4-7
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-4-7
Kanji Strokes Diagram
· シャク
· あか-
· あか.い
· あか.らむ
· あか.らめる
Popularity rank: 584 Pinyin: chì
Korean: jeog
Hán-Việt: xích, thích
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-4
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-4
Kanji Strokes Diagram
sickle; scythe; trick
· ケン
Popularity rank: 1587 Pinyin: lián
Korean: gyeom
Hán-Việt: liêm
Stroke counts: 18 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-8-10
Stroke counts: 18 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-8-10
Example Words
鎌止め[kamadome] cutting grass and trees is prohibited
鎌首[kamakubi] sickle-shaped neck (e.g. snake, praying mantis)
鎌倉時代[kamakurajidai] Kamakura period (1185-1333 CE)
鎌足[kamaashi] legs bowed in
鎌鼬[kamaitachi] type Japanese folkloric monster (yokai), thought to be a trio of weasels who appear in a whirlwind to cut their victim
鎌首[kamakubi] sickle-shaped neck (e.g. snake, praying mantis)
鎌倉時代[kamakurajidai] Kamakura period (1185-1333 CE)
鎌足[kamaashi] legs bowed in
鎌鼬[kamaitachi] type Japanese folkloric monster (yokai), thought to be a trio of weasels who appear in a whirlwind to cut their victim
Kanji Strokes Diagram
Example Kanji lookup
- Type in [Kanji] directly, e.g.: "恋"
- [Hiragana] for KUN-reading, e.g.: "こい"
- [Katakana] for ON-reading, e.g: "レン"
- [English] for Kanji's meaning, e.g. "love"
- [Romaji] for both ON-reading and KUN-reading, e.g.: "koi"
- [hv:Âm Hán Việt] for Sino-Vietnamese reading, e.g.: "luyến"
- There are several other filters includes: [grade:number], [jlpt:number], [stroke:number], [radical:Kanji Radial]. You can combine the filters to further narrow the search. Tips: Click on "options" to open up the assist panel