Search Kanji for 謂う






reason; origin; history; oral tradition

い.うiu · いいī · おも.うomou · いわゆるiwayuru
Pinyin: wèi Korean: wi Hán-Việt: vị
Stroke counts: 16 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-7-9

Example Words

謂われ[iware] reason
謂わば[iwaba] so to speak
所謂[iwayuru] what is called
謂う[iu] to say
謂う所の[iutokorono] what is called
過ちて改めざる是を過ちと謂う[ayamachitearatamezarukorewoayamachitoiu] to err and not change one's ways, this is what it is to err (from Analects of Confucius)
謂れない[iwarenai] unjustified
謂れ因縁[iwareinnen] origin
謂れのない[iwarenonai] unjustified

Kanji Strokes Diagram

Example Kanji lookup

  • Type in [Kanji] directly, e.g.: ""
  • [Hiragana] for KUN-reading, e.g.: "こい"
  • [Katakana] for ON-reading, e.g: "レン"
  • [English] for Kanji's meaning, e.g. "love"
  • [Romaji] for both ON-reading and KUN-reading, e.g.: "koi"
  • [hv:Âm Hán Việt] for Sino-Vietnamese reading, e.g.: "luyến"
  • There are several other filters includes: [grade:number], [jlpt:number], [stroke:number], [radical:Kanji Radial]. You can combine the filters to further narrow the search. Tips: Click on "options" to open up the assist panel
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