Search Kanji for 万巻

ten thousand





ten thousand; 10,000

マンman · バンban
Popularity rank: 375 Pinyin: wàn, mò Korean: man, mug Hán-Việt: vạn, mặc
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-3-1

Example Words

一天万乗[ittenbanjou] the whole realm
黄金万能[ougonbannou] the almighty dollar
億万長者[okumanchouja] billionaire
気焔万丈[kienbanjou] in high spirits
巨万[kyoman] huge fortune
金壱万円[kinichimanen] 10,000 Yen
金拾万円[kinjuumanen] 100,000 Yen
拾万円[juumanen] 100,000 Yen
十万[juuman] 100,000
十万億土[juumanokudo] eternity

Kanji Strokes Diagram

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scroll; volume; book; part; roll up; wind up; tie; coil; counter for texts (or book scrolls)

カンkan · ケンken
ま.くmaku · まきmaki · ま.きmaki
Popularity rank: 944 Pinyin: juàn, juǎn Korean: gweon Hán-Việt: quyển
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-9-2

Example Words

圧巻[akkan] highlight
一巻き[hitomaki] one roll
渦巻[uzumaki] whirlpool
うず巻く[uzumaku] to whirl
遠巻き[toomaki] surrounding at a distance
下巻[gekan] last volume (in set)
河童巻き[kappamaki] cucumber sushi wrapped in nori (seaweed)
絵巻[emaki] picture scroll
絵巻物[emakimono] picture scroll
巻き[maki] roll (e.g. of cloth)

Kanji Strokes Diagram

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

Example Kanji lookup

  • Type in [Kanji] directly, e.g.: ""
  • [Hiragana] for KUN-reading, e.g.: "こい"
  • [Katakana] for ON-reading, e.g: "レン"
  • [English] for Kanji's meaning, e.g. "love"
  • [Romaji] for both ON-reading and KUN-reading, e.g.: "koi"
  • [hv:Âm Hán Việt] for Sino-Vietnamese reading, e.g.: "luyến"
  • There are several other filters includes: [grade:number], [jlpt:number], [stroke:number], [radical:Kanji Radial]. You can combine the filters to further narrow the search. Tips: Click on "options" to open up the assist panel
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