Search Kanji for koi
Tips: joujou characters (Kanji characters to be learned at schools in Japan) are highlighted.
Also note that the English meaning under each Kanji is just one of many other possible senses.
Also note that the English meaning under each Kanji is just one of many other possible senses.
Meaning: aid; help
Kun-yomi: すばしこい/なら.ぶ/たす.ける/およ.び/かわるがわる
On-yomi: シ
恋Kun-yomi: すばしこい/なら.ぶ/たす.ける/およ.び/かわるがわる
On-yomi: シ
Meaning: romance; in love; yearn for; miss; darling
Kun-yomi: こ.う/こい/こい.しい
On-yomi: レン
牐Kun-yomi: こ.う/こい/こい.しい
On-yomi: レン
Meaning: sluice; flood gate; canal lock
Kun-yomi: いたがこい
On-yomi: ソウ/ジョウ
嫪Kun-yomi: いたがこい
On-yomi: ソウ/ジョウ
Meaning: hanker
Kun-yomi: こいした.う/なや.む
On-yomi: ロウ
Kun-yomi: こいした.う/なや.む
On-yomi: ロウ
Kun-yomi: こいねが.う/こいねが.わくは
On-yomi: キ
醇Kun-yomi: こいねが.う/こいねが.わくは
On-yomi: キ
pure sake'
Meaning: pure sake'; purity; affection
Kun-yomi: もっぱら/こい/あつい
On-yomi: ジュン/シュン
冀Kun-yomi: もっぱら/こい/あつい
On-yomi: ジュン/シュン
hope for
Meaning: hope for; wish; Hebei province
Kun-yomi: こいねが.う/こいねが.わくは
On-yomi: キ
緯Kun-yomi: こいねが.う/こいねが.わくは
On-yomi: キ
Meaning: horizontal; woof; left & right; latitude
Kun-yomi: よこいと/ぬき
On-yomi: イ
Kun-yomi: よこいと/ぬき
On-yomi: イ
Kun-yomi: もっぱら/こい/あつし
On-yomi: シュン
鯉Kun-yomi: もっぱら/こい/あつし
On-yomi: シュン
Meaning: carp
Kun-yomi: こい
On-yomi: リ
礫Kun-yomi: こい
On-yomi: リ
small stones
Meaning: small stones
Kun-yomi: つぶて/こいし
On-yomi: レキ
戀Kun-yomi: つぶて/こいし
On-yomi: レキ
in love
Meaning: in love; yearn for; miss; darling
Kun-yomi: こ.う/こい/こい.しい
On-yomi: レン
鱣Kun-yomi: こ.う/こい/こい.しい
On-yomi: レン
Meaning: sturgeon
Kun-yomi: こい
On-yomi: タン/セン/テン
釅Kun-yomi: こい
On-yomi: タン/セン/テン
Meaning: thick; strong (beverage)
Kun-yomi: す/さけ/こい
On-yomi: ゲン
Kun-yomi: す/さけ/こい
On-yomi: ゲン
Example Kanji lookup
- Type in [Kanji] directly, e.g.: "恋"
- [Hiragana] for KUN-reading, e.g.: "こい"
- [Katakana] for ON-reading, e.g: "レン"
- [English] for Kanji's meaning, e.g. "love"
- [Romaji] for both ON-reading and KUN-reading, e.g.: "koi"
- [hv:Âm Hán Việt] for Sino-Vietnamese reading, e.g.: "luyến"
- There are several other filters includes: [grade:number], [jlpt:number], [stroke:number], [radical:Kanji Radial]. You can combine the filters to further narrow the search. Tips: Click on "options" to open up the assist panel