Search Kanji for ばら
Tips: joujou characters (Kanji characters to be learned at schools in Japan) are highlighted.
Also note that the English meaning under each Kanji is just one of many other possible senses.
Also note that the English meaning under each Kanji is just one of many other possible senses.
Meaning: pay; clear out; prune; banish; dispose of
Kun-yomi: はら.う/-はら.い/-ばら.い
On-yomi: フツ/ヒツ/ホツ
肋Kun-yomi: はら.う/-はら.い/-ばら.い
On-yomi: フツ/ヒツ/ホツ
Meaning: rib
Kun-yomi: あばら
On-yomi: ロク
姑Kun-yomi: あばら
On-yomi: ロク
Meaning: mother-in-law
Kun-yomi: しゅうとめ/しゅうと/おば/しばらく
On-yomi: コ
茨Kun-yomi: しゅうとめ/しゅうと/おば/しばらく
On-yomi: コ
Meaning: briar; thorn
Kun-yomi: いばら/かや/くさぶき
On-yomi: シ/ジ
荊Kun-yomi: いばら/かや/くさぶき
On-yomi: シ/ジ
Meaning: thorn; brier; whip
Kun-yomi: いばら
On-yomi: ケイ
頃Kun-yomi: いばら
On-yomi: ケイ
Meaning: time; about; toward
Kun-yomi: ころ/ごろ/しばら.く
On-yomi: ケイ/キョウ
散Kun-yomi: ころ/ごろ/しばら.く
On-yomi: ケイ/キョウ
Meaning: scatter; disperse; spend; squander
Kun-yomi: ち.る/ち.らす/-ち.らす/ち.らかす/ち.らかる/ばら
On-yomi: サン
疏Kun-yomi: ち.る/ち.らす/-ち.らす/ち.らかす/ち.らかる/ばら
On-yomi: サン
pass through
Meaning: pass through; note; commentary; estrangement; sparseness; neglect
Kun-yomi: あら.い/うと.い/うと.む/とお.る/とお.す/まばら
On-yomi: ソ/ショ
軰Kun-yomi: あら.い/うと.い/うと.む/とお.る/とお.す/まばら
On-yomi: ソ/ショ
row of carriages
Meaning: row of carriages; generation; class; series a kind; denotes the plural
Kun-yomi: -ばら/やから/やかい
On-yomi: ハイ
稀Kun-yomi: -ばら/やから/やかい
On-yomi: ハイ
Meaning: rare; phenomenal; dilute (acid)
Kun-yomi: まれ/まばら
On-yomi: キ/ケ
棘Kun-yomi: まれ/まばら
On-yomi: キ/ケ
Meaning: thorn; splinter; spine; biting words; briers
Kun-yomi: いばら/とげ
On-yomi: キョク
楚Kun-yomi: いばら/とげ
On-yomi: キョク
Meaning: whip; cane
Kun-yomi: いばら/しもと/すわえ
On-yomi: ソ/ショ
暫Kun-yomi: いばら/しもと/すわえ
On-yomi: ソ/ショ
Meaning: temporarily; a while; moment; long time
Kun-yomi: しばら.く
On-yomi: ザン
輩Kun-yomi: しばら.く
On-yomi: ザン
Meaning: comrade; fellow; people; companions
Kun-yomi: -ばら/やから/やかい/ともがら
On-yomi: ハイ
膘Kun-yomi: -ばら/やから/やかい/ともがら
On-yomi: ハイ
Meaning: fat; rump
Kun-yomi: あばら
On-yomi: ヒョウ/ショウ
蹕Kun-yomi: あばら
On-yomi: ヒョウ/ショウ
one who preceeds king in procession
Meaning: one who preceeds king in procession
Kun-yomi: さきばらい
On-yomi: ヒツ
孼Kun-yomi: さきばらい
On-yomi: ヒツ
Meaning: misfortune; sin; evil
Kun-yomi: わきばら/ひこばえ/わざわ.い
On-yomi: ゲツ/ゲチ
孽Kun-yomi: わきばら/ひこばえ/わざわ.い
On-yomi: ゲツ/ゲチ
Meaning: evil; son of concubine; ghost
Kun-yomi: わきばら/ひこばえ/わざわ.い
On-yomi: ゲツ/ゲチ
Kun-yomi: わきばら/ひこばえ/わざわ.い
On-yomi: ゲツ/ゲチ
Example Kanji lookup
- Type in [Kanji] directly, e.g.: "恋"
- [Hiragana] for KUN-reading, e.g.: "こい"
- [Katakana] for ON-reading, e.g: "レン"
- [English] for Kanji's meaning, e.g. "love"
- [Romaji] for both ON-reading and KUN-reading, e.g.: "koi"
- [hv:Âm Hán Việt] for Sino-Vietnamese reading, e.g.: "luyến"
- There are several other filters includes: [grade:number], [jlpt:number], [stroke:number], [radical:Kanji Radial]. You can combine the filters to further narrow the search. Tips: Click on "options" to open up the assist panel