Meaning of 袱 in Japanese
Words related to 袱
(n) small silk wrapper; small cloth for wiping tea utensils; crepe wrapper
That red cloth is a "fukusa"; it is a vital tool used to cleanse the tea equipment.
(n) low dining table; tea table
The family is sitting in a happy circle around the dining table.
- (n) crape wrapper
- (n) Japanese-Chinese cuisine, served family-style (large dishes, diners help themselves), specialty of Nagasaki; Chinese table cuisine
- (n) Chinese-style low dining table →Related words: 卓袱台
- Japanese-Chinese cuisine, served family-style (large dishes, diners help themselves), specialty of Nagasaki Chinese style low dining table →Related words: 卓袱料理
- soba in soup with slices of boiled fish paste, shiitake mushrooms, greens, seaweed, etc. →Related words: お亀
- (n) meal