Meaning of 繰 in Japanese
Sentences containing 繰
The exchange unfolding in front of my eyes had not a single millimetre of a gap in which for me to slip.
A love story that unfolds between an unlikely pair, a public prosecutor from a good family and a modern high school girl.
If you continue with the pointless arguments'll end up as a repeat of yesterday.
The opposition party is still harping on the scandal.
美しいうつくしい ものが与えてくれる感動かんどう は素晴らしいものだったが、私わたし にはその感動かんどう を保持ほじ する事こと も、いつまでも繰り返すくりかえす 事こと もできなかった。世界せかい で最ももっとも 美しいうつくしい ものでさえも、最後さいご には私わたし を退屈たいくつ させてしまったのである。
The emotion they gave me was exquisite, but I could not preserve it, nor could I indefinitely repeat it; the most beautiful things in the world finished by boring me.