Meaning of 絞御 in Japanese

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Definition of 絞御

(go) · (o)

御 Kanji Details

  1. (pref) honourable; honorable
  1. (v5r, vt) to wring; to squeeze; to press; to extract

    Yes, and here's a photo of the farm where we milked the cows.

  2. to rack (one's brains); to strain (one's voice)
  3. to extort; to exploit
  4. to chew out; to reprimand severely; to rake over the coals; to give a sound scolding; to tell someone off; to scold; to rebuke →Related words: 油を絞る
  5. to drill into; to train
  6. to narrow down (one's focus); to whittle down
  7. to gather up (a curtain, etc.); to tighten (a drawstring)
  8. to stop down (a lens)
  9. to turn down (e.g. the radio)
  10. to bend (a bow); to draw
  11. (sumo) to hold down; to constrict; to immobilize
おん(on) · ぎょ(gyo)

御 Kanji Details

  1. (pref) honorific prefix
  2. (pref, suf) imperial; emperor
  1. (pref) august

    I am a lover of the beautiful.

  2. beautiful
おおみ(oomi) · おおん(oon) · おおむ(oomu) 大御 ·

大御 Kanji Details

  1. (pref) august (in ref. to the emperor or the gods); imperial; divine
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