Meaning of 笑川蝉翡翠 in Japanese

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emi 川蝉 kawasemi 翡翠 hisui

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Definition of 笑川蝉翡翠

かわせみ(kawasemi) · ひすい(hisui) · しょうびん(shoubin) · カワセミ(kawasemi) 川蝉 ·翡翠 ·魚狗

川蝉翡翠魚狗 Kanji Details

  1. (n) kingfisher (esp. the common kingfisher, Alcedo atthis)
  2. jade (gem) →Related words: 硬玉 , 軟玉 , ジェイド , 翡翠色
  3. beautiful lustrous colour similar to that of the kingfisher's feathers
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