Meaning of 哲 in Japanese
Words related to 哲
- (n) wise man
- (n) philosophy of life
- (n) ancient wise men
- (n) former men of wisdom and virtue
(n) philosophy
The student majors in philosophy.
(n) philosopher
The beard does not make the philosopher.
(adj-na) philosophical
This is a socio-linguistic study on Steven Emmet.
- (n) wise man; philosopher; sage
- (adj-i) usual; mediocre; monotonous
- (n) historical philosophy
- (n) ten great disciples (e.g. of Basho, Confucius, etc.)
Sentences containing 哲
I've never studied scientific philosophy, so I haven't read about Caveilles either.
僕ぼく はもっとずっと後あと に、科学哲学かがくてつがく を勉強べんきょう していたする とき、実験じっけん というのは既存の知識ちしき に対するにたいする 現実げんじつ の不満ふまん から生じるしょうじる べきものだということを学んだ。
An experiment, I would learn much later, when studying the philosophy of science, had to arise from a real dissatisfaction with existing knowledge.
Though only a child, he was interested in reading books on philosophy.
Philosophers tend to have little contact with the outside world.