Meaning of 支援 in Japanese
Definition of 支援
Words related to 支援
- (n) fire support
- (n) fire support plan
- (n) fire support coordination line
- (n) fire support element
- (n) close air support
- (n) economic support; financial support
(n) supporter
He stayed in his hotel most of the next day, talking to friends and supporters.
- (n) support group
- (n) diagnostic aid (medical)
- (n) humanitarian aid
- (n) combat support
Sentences containing 支援
Nursing insurance covers drawing up the care plan and other work supporting home nursing.
彼かれ は、清掃せいそう の仕事しごと に従事じゅうじ する人たちが平和的に賃金ちんきん と労働条件ろうどうじょうけん の改善かいぜん を要求ようきゅう するストライキをするのを支援しえん するためにそこに行っていた。
He had gone there to help garbage workers strike peacefully for better pay and working conditions.
I hope that you will continue to favor us with your support.