Meaning of 地帯 in Japanese
Definition of 地帯
- (n) area; zone; belt (of land)
Words related to 地帯
(n) safety zone
Nowadays, a safety zone is not always safe.
- (n) buffer zone
(n) danger zone
That is a danger zone; don't go there.
- (n) hill country; hilly area
- (n) zone of action
- (n) mountain district
- (n) housing belt development
- (n) occupied zone
- (n) landing zone
- (n) neutral zone
- (n) green belt
Sentences containing 地帯
They are moving from the peaceful hills and the countryside to the busy world of streets and crowds.
太陽熱たいようねつ は、他のほか どのエネルギー源げん より大きなおおきな 希望きぼう を抱かせるが、それには特にとくに 、水みず が最ももっとも 不足ふそく する地帯ちたい が赤道せきどう におおむね近く、空気くうき も比較的ひかくてき きれいだという理由りゆう もある。
Solar energy seems to offer more hope than any other source of energy, particularly because those areas most in need of water lie rather close to the equator and have a relatively clear atmosphere.
Many retired people move to the Sunbelt to enjoy sports such as golf or tennis in a milder climate.