Meaning of げんせい in Japanese

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げん gen せい sei

  1. Words

Definition of げんせい

  1. (n) spontaneous generation; primeval; primitive
  1. (adj-na, n) strictness; impartiality; exactness; rigidness
げんせい(gensei) · げんせ(gense) · げんぜ(genze) · うつしよ(utsushiyo) 現世 ·現し世

現世 Kanji Details

  1. (n, adj-no) (Buddh) present world; present age; transient world; life
  2. recent epoch (i.e. the Holocene epoch) →Related words: 完新世
  1. (n) sound of the strings
  1. (n) current state; present or actual strength
  1. (n) former surname; original surname
  1. (n) blister beetle →Related words: 土斑猫
  2. cantharides →Related words: カンタリス
  1. (n, vs) living in the present

Words related to げんせい

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