Meaning of かいどう in Japanese

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かい kai どう

  1. Words

Definition of かいどう

  1. (n, vs) assembly; meeting
  1. (n) church; chapel; synagogue; tabernacle

    The hall resounded with the peal of the bells.

  1. (n) highway (esp. one existing from the Edo period); main road

    We had lunch at a roadside restaurant.

  1. (n) sea route
  1. (n) unusually large or strong youth
  1. (n) flowering crab apple (Malus halliana)
  2. Kaido crab apple (Malus micromalus)
  3. Chinese flowering apple (Malus spectabilis)
  4. Siberian crab apple (Malus baccata)
  5. aronia (flower)
  1. (n, vs) moving rotationally; revolving

Words related to かいどう

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