Search Kanji for

green caterpillar





green caterpillar; Szechwan

ショクshoku · ゾクzoku
Pinyin: shǔ Korean: chog Hán-Việt: thục
Stroke counts: 13 Skip code: 2-5-8

Example Words

玉蜀黍[toumorokoshi] corn
蜀魂[kutsutedori] lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
蜀黍[morokoshi] sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
望蜀[boushoku] insatiability
黄蜀葵[tororoaoi] sunset hibiscus (Hibiscus manihot)
隴を得て蜀を望む[rouwoeteshokuwonozomu] never being satisfied with what one gets, and always wanting more (lit: taking Gansu only to want Sichuan)
蜀漢[shokkan] Shu-Han (dynasty of China, 221-263 CE)
玉蜀黍畑[toumorokoshibatake] corn field
蜀鳥[shokuchou] lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)

Kanji Strokes Diagram

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

Example Kanji lookup

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  • [Hiragana] for KUN-reading, e.g.: "こい"
  • [Katakana] for ON-reading, e.g: "レン"
  • [English] for Kanji's meaning, e.g. "love"
  • [Romaji] for both ON-reading and KUN-reading, e.g.: "koi"
  • [hv:Âm Hán Việt] for Sino-Vietnamese reading, e.g.: "luyến"
  • There are several other filters includes: [grade:number], [jlpt:number], [stroke:number], [radical:Kanji Radial]. You can combine the filters to further narrow the search. Tips: Click on "options" to open up the assist panel
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