Search Kanji for うか

Tips: joujou characters (Kanji characters to be learned at schools in Japan) are highlighted.
Also note that the English meaning under each Kanji is just one of many other possible senses.

occupy by force

Meaning: occupy by force; usurp; possess
Kun-yomi: みる/うかが.う/し.める
On-yomi: チン/セン/テン

pay respects

Meaning: pay respects; visit; ask; inquire; question; implore
Kun-yomi: うかが.う

to drift

Meaning: to drift; float; careless; reckless
Kun-yomi: うか.ぶ
On-yomi: ハン/ホウ


Meaning: compare; spy on
Kun-yomi: たと.える/うかが.う
On-yomi: ケン


Meaning: flash; brandish
Kun-yomi: ひらめ.く/ひらめ.き/うかが.う
On-yomi: セン

Kun-yomi: たと.える/うかが.う
On-yomi: ケン

as might be expected

Meaning: as might be expected
Kun-yomi: うかが.う/さすが
On-yomi: テイ


Meaning: peep; peek
Kun-yomi: のぞ.く/うかが.う
On-yomi: テン

Kun-yomi: ひそかにうかがい.しる/ひそかに.しる


Meaning: peep; peek; come in sight
Kun-yomi: のぞ.く/うかが.う

spy on

Meaning: spy on
Kun-yomi: うかがい.める
On-yomi: エキ/ヤク/ジョウ/ニョウ

Kun-yomi: うかが.う
On-yomi: テイ/チョウ

to view others with raised eyes

Meaning: to view others with raised eyes
Kun-yomi: うかがいみる
On-yomi: シン


Meaning: lucky; fortunate
Kun-yomi: ゆ.く/うかが.う/もと.める/いつわ.る
On-yomi: キョウ

lie in wait

Meaning: lie in wait; spy on; reconnoiter
Kun-yomi: うかが.う/のぞく

spy out

Meaning: spy out; reconnoiter
Kun-yomi: ちょう.ずる/うかが.う/しめ.す
On-yomi: チョウ

inquire about

Meaning: inquire about
Kun-yomi: うかが.う
On-yomi: チン

to spy

Meaning: to spy; to watch for
Kun-yomi: うかが.う/み.る/あら.い
On-yomi: ソ/ショ/キョ/シュ/ス


Meaning: flash; flashing; steal look
Kun-yomi: うかが.う

steal look

Meaning: steal look; peep at; spy on
Kun-yomi: みる/うかが.う/まぜる
On-yomi: カン/ケン/ヘン/エン

peep at

Meaning: peep at; watch; spy on
Kun-yomi: うかが.う/み.る/あら.い
On-yomi: ソ/ショ/キョ/シュ/ス

Example Kanji lookup

  • Type in [Kanji] directly, e.g.: ""
  • [Hiragana] for KUN-reading, e.g.: "こい"
  • [Katakana] for ON-reading, e.g: "レン"
  • [English] for Kanji's meaning, e.g. "love"
  • [Romaji] for both ON-reading and KUN-reading, e.g.: "koi"
  • [hv:Âm Hán Việt] for Sino-Vietnamese reading, e.g.: "luyến"
  • There are several other filters includes: [grade:number], [jlpt:number], [stroke:number], [radical:Kanji Radial]. You can combine the filters to further narrow the search. Tips: Click on "options" to open up the assist panel
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