Meaning of 賓/meaning-of-こまい in Japanese

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/ meaning - of - ko まい mai

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Definition of 賓/meaning-of-こまい

  1. (n) negative (static) charge; negative electric charge; (sometimes called "negative electricity")
  1. (v5r, vt) to reel; to wind; to spin (thread)

    I counted the days to see when it had happened.

  2. to turn (pages); to flip through (a book); to leaf through (a book); to consult (a dictionary); to refer to (an encyclopedia)
  3. to count (e.g. the days)
  4. to open one-by-one; to close one-by-one (e.g. shutters)
  1. (n) positive electric charge; positive (static) charge; (sometimes called "positive electricity")
かわ(kawa) · がわ(gawa) ·

川河 Kanji Details

  1. (n) river; stream

    This river is three times longer than that one.

  2. (suf) the .... river; (suffix used with the names of rivers)

    Which is longer, the Shinano River or the Agano River?

  1. (ctr) counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper)

    Please make three copies of this page.

  1. (pref) every (usu. with events, e.g. every weekend); each
  1. (vk, vi, aux-v) to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive

    I'll come by 10.

  2. to come back; to do ... and come back →Related words: 行って来る

    My father insisted that I should go to see the place.

  3. to come to be; to become; to get; to grow; to continue
  4. (vk, vi) to come from; to be caused by; to derive from
  5. to come to (i.e. "when it comes to spinach ...") →Related words: と来たら
あさごろも(asagoromo) · まい(mai) 麻衣

麻衣 Kanji Details

  1. (n) linen robe
  1. (n) rickets →Related words: 佝僂病
  2. someone suffering from rickets
  1. (v5r, vt) to gouge; to hollow out; to bore; to excavate; to scoop out
  2. to greatly perturb; to cause emotional pain
  3. to get to the bottom of things; to relentlessly bring the truth to light
  1. (n) positive electric charge; positive (static) charge; (sometimes called "positive electricity")
  1. (n) Halla okadai (species of eunicid worm used as fishing bait)
  2. (species of eunicid worm used as fishing bait) →Related words: 揺蚊
  3. red mite (i.e. a chigger) →Related words: 恙虫
  1. (n) (Buddh) ("like this"; often the opening word of a sutra) →Related words: 如是我聞
  2. ten thusnesses (in Tendai) →Related words: 十如是
  1. (n) dancing; dance

    The dancer's graceful action charmed the audience.

  1. (n) (designated hitter - baseball)
  1. (n) locked up feeling; cooped up feeling; feeling of entrapment; (feeling of hopelessness); being in a bind
  1. (aux) probably isn't (doesn't, won't, etc.)
  2. don't (doesn't) intend to; intend not to
  3. must not; (when used in an imperative sentence) don't
くるる(kururu) · くろろ(kuroro) · くる(kuru) · くるり(kururi)

枢 Kanji Details

  1. (n) pivot hinge (using extensions on the top & bottom of a door that fit into cavities in the frame)
  2. sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut) →Related words:
  1. (n) miniature Chusan palm (Trachycarpus wagnerianus); (poss. Trachycarpus fortunei)
  1. (n) Gokturks; Sky Turks; Tujue; (powerful Turkic confederation from medieval Inner Asia)
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