Meaning of 癇性症疳 in Japanese

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kan sei shō kan

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Definition of 癇性症疳

  1. (adj-na, n-suf) illness

    Mary is such a worrywart.

さが(saga) · なりくせ(narikuse) ·

性相 Kanji Details

  1. (n) one's nature; one's destiny
  2. custom; tradition; habit
  1. (n) nature (of a person)

    Habit is second nature.

  2. sex
  3. gender
  4. (suf) -ty; -ity; -ness; -cy
  1. (n) temper; nerves

    Tom's way of speaking gets on my nerves.

  1. (n, n-suf) nature (of a person or thing)
  2. (Buddh) that which does not change according to external influences
  1. (n) (in Chinese medicine) infantile neurosis characterized by crying at night and convulsions
  2. temper; nerves →Related words:
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