Meaning of 生様 in Japanese

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Definition of 生様


生 Kanji Details

  1. (n, pref) pure; undiluted; raw; crude

生 Kanji Details

  1. (adj-no, adj-na, n, n-pref) raw; uncooked; fresh
  2. natural; as it is; unedited; unprocessed
  3. unprotected (i.e. not wearing a condom)
  4. live (i.e. not recorded)
  5. inexperienced; unpolished; green; crude
  6. impudence; sauciness →Related words: 生意気
  7. unpasteurized beer; draft beer; draught beer →Related words: 生ビール
  8. (pref) just a little; somehow; vaguely; partially; somewhat; half-; semi-
  9. irresponsibly; half-baked
  10. (n) cash
  11. tipsiness →Related words: 生酔い
  1. (n) mess; sorry state; plight; sad sight
  2. (suf) -ways; -wards
  3. in the act of ...; just as one is ...
  4. manner of ...; way of ... →Related words:
  1. (suf) Mr.; Mrs.; Ms.
  2. makes words more polite (usu. in fixed expressions) →Related words: お粗末さまでした
  3. (n) state; situation; appearance
  1. (n-suf, n) appearing ...; looking ... →Related words: 様だ
  2. way to ...; method of
  3. form; style; design
  4. like; similar to →Related words: 様だ
  5. (n) thing (thought or spoken)
  1. (adj-na, n, adj-no) innocent; naive; unsophisticated; inexperienced; green; wet behind the ears

    As is often the case with Americans, he does not care for raw fish.

  2. (n-pref) birth-

    Is there any difference between the tea from Shizuoka and that from Uzi?

せい(sei) · しょう(shou)

生 Kanji Details

  1. (n) life; living
  2. (n, n-suf) I; me; myself
  1. (pref) vital; virile; lively

生 Kanji Details

  1. (n, n-suf) area of thick growth (of trees, grass, etc.) →Related words: 芝生
  1. (n) boiled and half-dried bonito →Related words: 生り節
  1. (suf) Mr.; Mrs.; Ms.
  1. (n) precedent; example

    That serves you right.

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