Meaning of 仙台七夕棚幡 in Japanese

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仙台 七夕

  1. Words

Definition of 仙台七夕棚幡

  1. (n) flag

    He moved the flags up and down.

  2. (Buddh) pataka (banner) →Related words:

棚 Kanji Details

  1. (n) shelf; shelves; ledge; rack
  2. trellis
  1. (n) Festival of the Weaver (July 7th); Star Festival (one of the five annual festivals) →Related words: 五節句

    Tanabata comes up in manga a lot so I also know it fairly well.

  1. (n) Sendai (city)
  1. (n) (Buddh) pataka (banner)
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